Drip coffee bag or pour over coffee bag, which is effectively a single-serve pour over coffee brewer. These first appeared in Japan in the early 1990s, but are now becoming popular with specialty coffee brands around the world.
Instead of using a V60 or Melitta-type pour over brewer, the user simply unfolds tabs on either side of the bag and hangs it on their cup. This gives more discerning consumers the opportunity to make pour over coffee without having to grind and measure it.
Colombia El Vergel | anaerobic natural yellow bourbon
Za touto kávou stojí Martha Montenegro s partnermi Eliasom a Shadym. Ich cieľom je spojiť technológie a vášeň pre kávu a obohatiť životy ľudí na El Vergel Estate. Tento Yellow Bourbon prechádza 48-hodinovou fermentáciou a 8-dňovým sušením na slnku, po ktorom nasleduje 35-dňové stabilizačné obdobie. Tento proces zaručuje jedinečnú a chutnú kávu.
Chuťový profil: sladké drievko, citrusy, kakaové bôby
Sca: 87.5 bodov
Pack of 5×12 gr single serve drip coffee filters